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Sunday, October 31, 2010

Video games have become a big part of nearly all family's lives, whether it is the children playing, or the parents. There are all kinds of video games, children's, adults, violence, adventure, first shooter, online, etc.... I could mention more, but I think you get the point; there are video games for just about any personality.

Even though there were video games before Pong, a computerized version of ping pong, or as some call it, table tennis, it has been touted as the first video game to come out. Without a doubt, it was the first to become "red hot" among the first gamers. Since its inception, the gaming world literally exploded. Video gaming has become a very lucrative business among young and old alike. It has even been made into a popular genre with the entertainment world. Several major motion pictures have been made using video game themes, such as several versions of Resident Evil and Doom. On the other hand, video games have been derived from major motion pictures, such as Transformers. Television has also had its hand in helping the video game industry with such favorites as Transformers, which was a cartoon long before it was a movie.


Video gaming has become one of the most successful industries, but, as with most successes, come doubts, fears, and even dismay. Many feel its effects in the society, particularly on the younger generation; have both positive and negative consequences. Studies have found that, used in moderation, they have positive effects on the mental and physical development of children. Some of the positive aspects of video gaming are hand and eye coordination, mental acuity, educational value and a means for otherwise shy, introverted children to interact with others. One negative aspect is becoming so involved, one tends to neglect the rest of the world. Another is that some individuals tend to confuse fantasy with reality. Video games have been named in cases where individual(s) stray from reality, and in extreme cases, used as a crutch for wrong-doing.

Violence in video games has become a major issue, particularly in children. Some have expressed concerns that the violence can bring out violent behavior in individuals, young and old alike. While it has been proven that video games have a healing effect, they also have an effect on weak minds.


If you are concerned with whether the games you kids are playing are appropriate, consider checking the ratings. E rated games are for everyone. They include games such as sports video games, Mario Brothers, SpongeBob Squarepants. Consider age appropriate games created from movies, such as Madagascar, to fall in this category.

T rated games are for teens. They offer graphics that are a bit more detailed, and could have some violence and sexual graphics, but with no graphic gore.

M games are rated mature. These would be for adults only, with more gore, sexual context and graphical killing. Grand Theft Auto is a fine example of an M rated video game. Other M rated video games would include war games where there is a lot of killing and gore.

Even with this rating system listed above, children still choose the ones that are rated as not suitable for them. They can always find ways to play with those types of video games rather than the ones which are more age-appropriate.

Bottom Line

Video games are here to stay, whether they are played on Nintendo's, WII's, the PC or in arcades. Our children will be constantly subjected to video games, so "parental responsibility" should be a key phrase in all parents vocabulary. As for adults, to each his own.


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