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Saturday, October 9, 2010
Xbox 360 120GB Elite Spring 2010 Bundle
  • Xbox 360 Elite console: The console is equipped with an HDMI port, a black wireless controller and black Xbox LIVE headset. It also comes with three powerful core processors, 16:9 cinematic aspect ratio, anti-aliasing for smooth textures, full surround sound, and DVD playback with upscaling capabilities right outof the box.
  • Games: Xbox 360 redefines what games look like, sound like, feel like, and play like to engage you like never before. Every Xbox 360 title supports a minimum of 720p, and up to 1080p high definition resolution or 480p standard definition resolution, in 16:9 widescreen, with anti-aliasing so you enjoy smooth, movie-like graphics and multi-channel surround sound. Vibrant characters display depth of emotion to evoke more dramatic responses, immersing you in the experience.
  • Xbox 360 120GB hard drive: The huge 120GB detachable hard drive allows gamers to save their games and store television shows, movies, music, pictures, trailers, extra game levels, d

    Price: $249.99

    Click here to buy from Amazon


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